FARA System
Simple solution for complicated  geological problems
Two boreholes are required to operate the FARA system. Downhole transmitter unit is located in the one borehole, downhole receiver unit - in the other one. Radiation and reception of an
electromagnetic energy is carried out by means of electric dipoles.

The signals from the downhole units of the receiver and transmitter come to the surface via a cable wound on the winches. The receiver winch is connected to the surface receiver unit,
the transmitter winch is connected to the surface transmitter unit.

Surface units are connected by the reference line, which is a conventional two-wire cable. The incoming signals are processed by the surface receiver unit and fed to the laptop where
they are recorded.
The main component of the downhole part of the system is a borehole probe of the receiver or transmitter. Below the probe there is an antenna, the length of which is from 5 to 40
meters, depending on the task being solved. At the lower end of the antenna, a load is fixed, the diameter of which is 42 mm, that is the maximum diameter for the whole downhole
system. Thus, in case of a system stuck in the borehole, blocking of the load is most likely - in this case the load is lost, but other, more valuable components are retained.

Above the downhole probe is a filter system that prevents the propagation of electromagnetic energy along the cable. The length of the filter system is 90 meters.

Above the filters there is a borehole booster, which amplifies the signal after it passes through the filters.
The total length of the borehole system is about 100 meters, which determines the minimum depth of research for the FARA system.